import pygame as py import sys, random, time, redis, os,math import numpy as np
# 预加载移动逻辑 def pre_move(): numberPos = {} for num in range(1, 17): row1, row2 = divmod(num, 4) row = row1 + np.sign(row2) column = [row2 if row2 != 0 else 4][0] numberPos["{}".format([row, column])] = num return numberPos
# 主程序 def game_start(): global screen, rate py.init() clock = py.time.Clock() screen_x = 500 # 请调到合适的大小 screen_y = math.ceil(screen_x * rate / rate2) screen = py.display.set_mode((screen_x, screen_y), depth=32) py.display.set_caption("终极2048") BackGround = [251, 248, 239] # 灰色 Icon = py.image.load("./素材/icon.png").convert_alpha() py.display.set_icon(Icon) screen.fill(color=BackGround) # 主界面下设计 width = math.floor(screen_x * rate) bgSecond = py.image.load("./素材/BG_02.png").convert_alpha() bgSecond = py.transform.smoothscale(bgSecond, (width, width)) bgSecondRect = bgSecond.get_rect() bgSecondRect.topleft = math.floor(screen_x * (1 - rate) / 2), math.floor(screen_y * (1 - rate2))
# 预加载分数图 def pre_load_image(background): imageList = {} imagePath = "./素材/分数/" image_filenames = [i for i in os.listdir(imagePath)] width = math.floor(background.width * (1 - internalWidth) / 4) for name in image_filenames: image = py.transform.smoothscale(py.image.load(imagePath + name).convert_alpha(), (width, width)) imageList[name.replace(".png", "")] = image return imageList # 加载分数图像 def draw_image(score_list, image_list, pos_list): for pos_num in score_list: score = score_list[pos_num] scoreSurf = BasicFont01.render("{}".format(score), True, (0, 0, 0)) scoreRect = scoreSurf.get_rect() if score <= 4096: image = image_list["{}".format(score)] else: image = image_list["4096"] imageRect = image.get_rect() imageRect.topleft = pos_list["{}".format(pos_num)] scoreRect.center = imageRect.center screen.blit(image, imageRect) if score > 0: screen.blit(scoreSurf, scoreRect) # 图像位置列表,表示为(x,y) # 用于确定加载的分数图像的显示点位 def image_pos_list(background): pre_x = background.topleft[0] pre_y = background.topleft[-1] internalLong = math.ceil(internalWidth / 5 * background.width) imageLong = math.floor((1 - internalWidth) / 4 * background.width) posList = dict(zip(list(range(1, 17)), [""] * 16)) for num in range(1, 17): row1, row2 = divmod(num, 4) row = row1 + np.sign(row2) column = [row2 if row2 != 0 else 4][0] image_x = pre_x + internalLong * column + imageLong * (column - 1) image_y = pre_y + internalLong * row + imageLong * (row - 1) posList["{}".format(num)] = (image_x, image_y) return posList
# 移动逻辑 def number_move(number_pos, move_input, score_list): values = list(number_pos.values()) keys = list(number_pos.keys()) numberPosReverse = dict(zip(values, keys)) newScoreList = score_list.copy() oldScoreList = {} while newScoreList != oldScoreList: oldScoreList = newScoreList.copy() for num in range(1, 17): pos = eval(numberPosReverse[num]) x, y = pos[0] + move_input[0], pos[1] + move_input[1] pos[0] = [x if 1 <= x <= 4 else pos[0]][0] pos[1] = [y if 1 <= y <= 4 else pos[1]][0] number = number_pos["{}".format(pos)] oldNumberScore = newScoreList[num] nextNumberScore = newScoreList[number] syn = list(map(lambda x, y: abs(x) * abs(y), move_input, pos)) # 0值移动 if nextNumberScore == 0: newScoreList[number] = oldNumberScore newScoreList[num] = 0 # 无法移动 elif num == number: pass # 合并移动 elif oldNumberScore == nextNumberScore and num != number: newScoreList[number] = 2 * oldNumberScore newScoreList[num] = 0 # 边界移动 elif oldNumberScore != nextNumberScore and 1 in syn or 4 not in syn: pass # 非边界移动 elif oldNumberScore != nextNumberScore and 1 not in syn and 4 not in syn: x, y = pos[0] + move_input[0], pos[1] + move_input[1] next2NumberScore = newScoreList[number_pos["{}".format([x, y])]] if next2NumberScore != nextNumberScore: pass elif next2NumberScore == nextNumberScore: newScoreList[number_pos["{}".format([x, y])]] = 2 * next2NumberScore newScoreList[number] = oldNumberScore newScoreList[num] = 0 return newScoreList
# 游戏结束 def game_over(score,bg): ip = "" password = None r = redis.Redis(host=ip, password=password, port=6379, db=2, decode_responses=True) r.hset("2048","{}".format(time.localtime()),score) py.draw.rect(screen,bg,[0,0,screen.get_width(),screen.get_height()],0) BasicFont02 = py.font.SysFont("/素材/simkai.ttf", 40) overSurf = BasicFont01.render("Game Over", True, (0, 0, 0)) overRect = overSurf.get_rect() overRect.center = (math.floor(screen.get_width() / 2), math.floor(screen.get_height() / 2)) scoreSurf = BasicFont02.render("最终得分:", True, (0, 0, 0)) scoreRect = scoreSurf.get_rect() scoreRect.center = (math.floor(screen.get_width() / 2), math.floor(screen.get_height() * 0.6)) numberSurf = BasicFont02.render("{}".format(score), True, (0, 0, 0)) numberRect = numberSurf.get_rect() numberRect.center = (math.floor(screen.get_width() / 2), math.floor(screen.get_height() * 0.7)) time.sleep(3) sys.exit()
# 键盘控制函数 def keyboard_ctrl(event): move_output = [0, 0] if event.key == py.K_UP: move_output = [-1, 0] elif event.key == py.K_DOWN: move_output = [1, 0] elif event.key == py.K_RIGHT: move_output = [0, 1] elif event.key == py.K_LEFT: move_output = [0, -1] return move_output
# 随机得分生成 def random_score(score_list): values = list(score_list.values()) pro = [2] * (2 + values.count(2)) + [4] * (1 + values.count(4)) # 以当前分数图中2或4出现的频率为概率 blank = [[i if score_list[i] == 0 else 0][0] for i in range(1, 17)] blank = list(set(blank)) blank.remove(0) if not blank: return "GameOver" # 游戏结束 else: score_list[random.choice(blank)] = random.choice(pro) return score_list
# 统计并记录当前得分 def record_score(score_list, background): totalScore = 0 values = list(score_list.values()) for i in values: totalScore += i scoreSurf = BasicFont01.render("得分:{}".format(totalScore), True, (0, 0, 0)) scoreRect = scoreSurf.get_rect() scoreRect.topleft = (math.floor(0.1 * screen.get_width()), math.floor(0.05 * screen.get_height())) scoreRect.width = math.floor((rate - 0.15) / 2 * screen.get_width()) scoreRect.height = math.floor((1 - rate2) / 3 * 2 * screen.get_height()) py.draw.rect(screen, background, [scoreRect.topleft[0], scoreRect.topleft[1], scoreRect.width, scoreRect.height], 0) screen.blit(scoreSurf, scoreRect) return totalScore # 绘制历史最高得分 def draw_best(background): ip = "" password = None r = redis.Redis(host=ip, password=password, port=6379, db=2, decode_responses=True) scores=[eval(i) for i in list(r.hgetall("2048").values())] best_scores=max(scores) scoreSurf=BasicFont01.render("最高得分:{}".format(best_scores),True,(0,0,0)) scoreRect=scoreSurf.get_rect() scoreRect.width = math.floor((rate - 0.15) / 2 * screen.get_width()) scoreRect.height = math.floor((1 - rate2) / 3 * 2 * screen.get_height()) scoreRect.topright = (math.floor(0.9 * screen.get_width()), math.floor(0.05 * screen.get_height())) py.draw.rect(screen, background, [scoreRect.topleft[0], scoreRect.topleft[1], scoreRect.width, scoreRect.height], 0) screen.blit(scoreSurf, scoreRect)
# 主程序 def game_start(): global screen, rate py.init() clock = py.time.Clock() screen_x = 500 # 请调到合适的大小 screen_y = math.ceil(screen_x * rate / rate2) screen = py.display.set_mode((screen_x, screen_y), depth=32) py.display.set_caption("终极2048") BackGround = [251, 248, 239] # 灰色 Icon = py.image.load("./素材/icon.png").convert_alpha() py.display.set_icon(Icon) screen.fill(color=BackGround) # 主界面下设计 width = math.floor(screen_x * rate) bgSecond = py.image.load("./素材/BG_02.png").convert_alpha() bgSecond = py.transform.smoothscale(bgSecond, (width, width)) bgSecondRect = bgSecond.get_rect() bgSecondRect.topleft = math.floor(screen_x * (1 - rate) / 2), math.floor(screen_y * (1 - rate2)) # 主界面上部分设计 # 预加载数据 draw_best(BackGround) posList = image_pos_list(bgSecondRect) imageList = pre_load_image(bgSecondRect) scoreList = dict(zip(list(range(1, 17)), [0] * 15 + [2])) # 分数表 numberPos = pre_move() scoreList = random_score(scoreList) totalScore=0 # 主循环 while True: screen.blit(bgSecond, bgSecondRect) # 刷新屏幕 if scoreList == "GameOver": game_over(totalScore,BackGround) draw_image(scoreList, imageList, posList) # 绘制得分 totalScore = record_score(scoreList, BackGround) key = py.key.get_pressed() if key[py.K_ESCAPE]: exit() for event in py.event.get(): if event.type == py.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == py.KEYDOWN: move_input = keyboard_ctrl(event) # 按下按键 scoreList = number_move(numberPos, move_input, scoreList) # 移动数字 scoreList = random_score(scoreList) # 在按下按键后生成新的数字 py.display.update() clock.tick(FPS) if __name__ == "__main__": py.font.init() BasicFont01 = py.font.Font("./素材/simkai.ttf", 30) screen = py.display.set_mode((500, 500)) rate = 0.95 # 游戏主界面下的宽度占整个游戏界面宽度的比例 rate2 = 0.7 # 游戏主界面下的高度占整个游戏界面高度的比例 internalWidth = 0.1 # 间隙比例 FPS = 50 # 游戏帧率 game_start()
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