来源:脚本之家    时间:2022-09-04 18:50:08
什么是SVGSVG定义SVG优点预定义元素圆形 直线 文字 结点SVG格式根结点子树结点叶结点结点坐标结点文本二叉树转SVG全部源代码

最近一直在刷二叉树题目,但在要验证结果时,通常用中序遍历、层序遍历查看结果,验证起来没有画图来得直观,所有想到自己动手制作二叉树的树形图。 直接开干,先从svg入手:



SVG是可伸缩矢量图形 (Scalable Vector Graphics),于2003年1月14日成为 W3C 推荐标准。

SVG 用来定义用于网络的基于矢量的图形


SVG 使用 XML 格式定义图形

SVG 是万维网联盟的标准

SVG 与诸如 DOM 和 XSL 之类的 W3C 标准是一个整体


SVG 可被非常多的工具读取和修改(比如记事本)SVG 与 JPEG 和 GIF 图像比起来,尺寸更小,且可压缩性更强。SVG 图像在放大或改变尺寸的情况下其图形质量不会有所损失SVG 图像可在任何的分辨率下被高质量地打印SVG 可在图像质量不下降的情况下被放大SVG 图像中的文本是可选的,同时也是可搜索的(很适合制作地图)SVG 可以与 JavaScript 技术一起运行SVG 是开放的标准SVG 文件是纯粹的 XML


矩形 圆形 椭圆 直线 文字 路径 折线 多边形





如果省略cx和cy,圆的中心会被设置为(0, 0)



x1,y2 属性定义线条的起始端点坐标

x2,y2 属性定义线条的结束端点坐标


  Welcome to Hann"s HomePage

x,y 属性定义文字左对齐显示时的起始坐标(居中对齐则是文字中间点)

fill 属性定义文字的颜色














[ [0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [2,0], [2,1], [2,2], [2,3], [3,0]......],再用循环计算出各点坐标。





func XmlNode(M, N, X, Y int, Data string, Color ...string) string {
    var cColor, tColor string
    R := 30
    Node := `
    if len(Color) == 0 {
        cColor, tColor = "orange", "red"
    } else if len(Color) == 1 {
        cColor, tColor = Color[0], "red"
    } else {
        cColor, tColor = Color[0], Color[1]
    Node = strings.Replace(Node, "M", strconv.Itoa(M), 1)
    Node = strings.Replace(Node, "N", strconv.Itoa(N), 1)
    Node = strings.Replace(Node, "X", strconv.Itoa(X), 2)
    Node = strings.Replace(Node, "Y", strconv.Itoa(Y), 2)
    Node = strings.Replace(Node, "RC", strconv.Itoa(R), 1)
    Node = strings.Replace(Node, "DATA", Data, 1)
    Node = strings.Replace(Node, "COLOR", cColor, 1)
    Node = strings.Replace(Node, "TextColor", tColor, 1)
    Node = strings.Replace(Node, "", "\n", -1)
    Node = strings.Replace(Node, "", "\t", -1)
    Node = strings.Replace(Node, "\n\t\t", " ", -1)
    return Node




func (bt *biTree) Xml4Tree() string {
    var Xml, Node string
    Head := "\nCONTENT"
    Line := ``
    Link := `
    Hann"s CSDN Homepage`
    List := bt.LevelNullwith()
    Levels := len(List)
    for i := Levels - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        negative := -1
        TmpXml := ""
        for j := 0; j < Pow2(i); j++ {
            t := Pow2(Levels - i - 1)
            x, y := 50*(2*t*j+t), 120*i+50
            if List[i][j] != nil {
                fillColor := "orange"
                if i == Levels-1 || i > 0 && i < Levels-1 &&
                    List[i+1][j*2] == nil && List[i+1][j*2+1] == nil {
                    fillColor = "lightgreen"
                TmpStr := ""
                switch List[i][j].(type) {
                case int:
                    TmpStr = strconv.Itoa(List[i][j].(int))
                case float64:
                    TmpStr = strconv.FormatFloat(List[i][j].(float64), "g", -1, 64)
                case string:
                    TmpStr = List[i][j].(string)
                    TmpStr = "Error Type"
                Xml = XmlNode(i, j, x, y, TmpStr, fillColor)
            if i > 0 {
                line1 := strings.Replace(Line, "X1", strconv.Itoa(x), 1)
                line1 = strings.Replace(line1, "Y1", strconv.Itoa(y-30), 1)
                negative *= -1
                x0, y0 := 21, 21
                x += 50*negative*(2*t*j%2+t) - negative*x0
                line1 = strings.Replace(line1, "X2", strconv.Itoa(x), 1)
                line1 = strings.Replace(line1, "Y2", strconv.Itoa(y-120+y0), 1)
                Xml = strings.Replace(Xml, "", line1, 1)
            if List[i][j] != nil {
                TmpXml += Xml
        Node = TmpXml + Node
    Xml = strings.Replace(Head, "CONTENT", Node, 1)
    Xml = strings.Replace(Xml, "Width", strconv.Itoa(Pow2(Levels)*50), 1)
    Xml = strings.Replace(Xml, "Height", strconv.Itoa(Levels*120), 1)
    Xml = strings.Replace(Xml, "", Link, 1)
    return Xml


    for index, text := range texts {
        svgFile := "./biTree0" + strconv.Itoa(index+1) + ".svg"
        file, err1 = os.Create(svgFile)
        if err1 != nil {
        _, err1 = io.WriteString(file, text)
        if err1 != nil {
        exec.Command("cmd", "/c", "start", svgFile).Start()
        //Linux 代码:
        //exec.Command("xdg-open", svgFile).Start()
        //Mac 代码:
        //exec.Command("open", svgFile).Start()


package main
import (
type btNode struct {
	Data   interface{}
	Lchild *btNode
	Rchild *btNode
type biTree struct {
	Root *btNode
func Build(data interface{}) *biTree {
	var list []interface{}
	if data == nil {
		return &biTree{}
	switch data.(type) {
	case []interface{}:
		list = append(list, data.([]interface{})...)
		list = append(list, data)
	if len(list) == 0 {
		return &biTree{}
	node := &btNode{Data: list[0]}
	list = list[1:]
	Queue := []*btNode{node}
	for len(list) > 0 {
		if len(Queue) == 0 {
			//panic("Given array can not build binary tree.")
			return &biTree{Root: node}
		cur := Queue[0]
		val := list[0]
		Queue = Queue[1:]
		if val != nil {
			cur.Lchild = &btNode{Data: val}
			if cur.Lchild != nil {
				Queue = append(Queue, cur.Lchild)
		list = list[1:]
		if len(list) > 0 {
			val := list[0]
			if val != nil {
				cur.Rchild = &btNode{Data: val}
				if cur.Rchild != nil {
					Queue = append(Queue, cur.Rchild)
			list = list[1:]
	return &biTree{Root: node}
func (bt *biTree) AppendNode(data interface{}) {
	root := bt.Root
	if root == nil {
		bt.Root = &btNode{Data: data}
	Queue := []*btNode{root}
	for len(Queue) > 0 {
		cur := Queue[0]
		Queue = Queue[1:]
		if cur.Lchild != nil {
			Queue = append(Queue, cur.Lchild)
		} else {
			cur.Lchild = &btNode{Data: data}
		if cur.Rchild != nil {
			Queue = append(Queue, cur.Rchild)
		} else {
			cur.Rchild = &btNode{Data: data}
func Copy(bt *biTree) *biTree {
	root := bt.Root
	if root == nil {
		return &biTree{}
	node := &btNode{Data: root.Data}
	Queue1, Queue2 := []*btNode{root}, []*btNode{node}
	for len(Queue1) > 0 {
		p1, p2 := Queue1[0], Queue2[0]
		Queue1, Queue2 = Queue1[1:], Queue2[1:]
		if p1.Lchild != nil {
			Node := &btNode{Data: p1.Lchild.Data}
			p2.Lchild = Node
			Queue1 = append(Queue1, p1.Lchild)
			Queue2 = append(Queue2, Node)
		if p1.Rchild != nil {
			Node := &btNode{Data: p1.Rchild.Data}
			p2.Rchild = Node
			Queue1 = append(Queue1, p1.Rchild)
			Queue2 = append(Queue2, Node)
	return &biTree{Root: node}
func Mirror(bt *biTree) *biTree {
	root := bt.Root
	if root == nil {
		return &biTree{}
	node := &btNode{Data: root.Data}
	Queue1, Queue2 := []*btNode{root}, []*btNode{node}
	for len(Queue1) > 0 {
		p1, p2 := Queue1[0], Queue2[0]
		Queue1, Queue2 = Queue1[1:], Queue2[1:]
		if p1.Lchild != nil {
			Node := &btNode{Data: p1.Lchild.Data}
			p2.Rchild = Node
			Queue1 = append(Queue1, p1.Lchild)
			Queue2 = append(Queue2, Node)
		if p1.Rchild != nil {
			Node := &btNode{Data: p1.Rchild.Data}
			p2.Lchild = Node
			Queue1 = append(Queue1, p1.Rchild)
			Queue2 = append(Queue2, Node)
	return &biTree{Root: node}
func (bt *biTree) BForder2D() [][]interface{} {
	var res [][]interface{}
	root := bt.Root
	if root == nil {
		return res
	Queue := []*btNode{root}
	for len(Queue) > 0 {
		Nodes := []interface{}{}
		Levels := len(Queue)
		for Levels > 0 {
			cur := Queue[0]
			Queue = Queue[1:]
			Nodes = append(Nodes, cur.Data)
			if cur.Lchild != nil {
				Queue = append(Queue, cur.Lchild)
			if cur.Rchild != nil {
				Queue = append(Queue, cur.Rchild)
		res = append(res, Nodes)
	return res
func (bt *biTree) LevelNullwith(Fills ...interface{}) [][]interface{} {
	var Nodes [][]interface{}
	var Fill0 interface{}
	if len(Fills) == 0 {
		Fill0 = nil
	} else if len(Fills) == 1 {
		Fill0 = Fills[0]
	} else {
		panic("Error: number of parameters is greater than 1")
	root := bt.Root
	if root == nil {
		return Nodes
	Count := 0
	Queue := []*btNode{root}
	for len(Queue) > 0 {
		nodes := []interface{}{}
		Level := len(Queue)
		for Level > 0 {
			cur := Queue[0]
			Queue = Queue[1:]
			nodes = append(nodes, cur.Data)
			if cur.Lchild != nil {
				Queue = append(Queue, cur.Lchild)
			if cur.Rchild != nil {
				Queue = append(Queue, cur.Rchild)
		Nodes = append(Nodes, nodes)
	newbiTree := Copy(bt)
	for i := 1; i < Pow2(len(Nodes))-Count; i++ {
	return newbiTree.BForder2D()
func XmlNode(M, N, X, Y int, Data string, Color ...string) string {
	var cColor, tColor string
	R := 30
	Node := `
	if len(Color) == 0 {
		cColor, tColor = "orange", "red"
	} else if len(Color) == 1 {
		cColor, tColor = Color[0], "red"
	} else {
		cColor, tColor = Color[0], Color[1]
	Node = strings.Replace(Node, "M", strconv.Itoa(M), 1)
	Node = strings.Replace(Node, "N", strconv.Itoa(N), 1)
	Node = strings.Replace(Node, "X", strconv.Itoa(X), 2)
	Node = strings.Replace(Node, "Y", strconv.Itoa(Y), 2)
	Node = strings.Replace(Node, "RC", strconv.Itoa(R), 1)
	Node = strings.Replace(Node, "DATA", Data, 1)
	Node = strings.Replace(Node, "COLOR", cColor, 1)
	Node = strings.Replace(Node, "TextColor", tColor, 1)
	Node = strings.Replace(Node, "", "\n", -1)
	Node = strings.Replace(Node, "", "\t", -1)
	Node = strings.Replace(Node, "\n\t\t", " ", -1)
	return Node
func Pow2(x int) int { //x>=0
	res := 1
	for i := 0; i < x; i++ {
		res *= 2
	return res
func Xml4Full(Levels int) string {
	var Xml, Node string
	Head := "\nCONTENT"
	Line := ``
	Link := `
	Hann"s CSDN Homepage`
	for i := 0; i < Levels; i++ {
		negative := -1
		for j := 0; j < Pow2(i); j++ {
			t := Pow2(Levels - i - 1)
			x, y := 50*(2*t*j+t), 120*i+50
			if Levels != 1 && i == Levels-1 {
				Xml = XmlNode(i, j, x, y, strconv.Itoa(Pow2(i)+j), "lightgreen")
			} else {
				Xml = XmlNode(i, j, x, y, strconv.Itoa(Pow2(i)+j))
			if i > 0 {
				line1 := strings.Replace(Line, "X1", strconv.Itoa(x), 1)
				line1 = strings.Replace(line1, "Y1", strconv.Itoa(y-30), 1)
				negative *= -1
				x0, y0 := 21, 21
				//取30度时 x0,y0:= 15,30-26;取60度时 x0,y0:= 26[15*1.732],15
				x += 50*negative*(2*t*j%2+t) - negative*x0
				line1 = strings.Replace(line1, "X2", strconv.Itoa(x), 1)
				line1 = strings.Replace(line1, "Y2", strconv.Itoa(y-120+y0), 1)
				Xml = strings.Replace(Xml, "", line1, 1)
			Node += Xml
	Xml = strings.Replace(Head, "CONTENT", Node, 1)
	Xml = strings.Replace(Xml, "Width", strconv.Itoa(Pow2(Levels)*50), 1)
	Xml = strings.Replace(Xml, "Height", strconv.Itoa(Levels*120), 1)
	Xml = strings.Replace(Xml, "", Link, 1)
	return Xml
func (bt *biTree) Xml4Tree() string {
	var Xml, Node string
	Head := "\nCONTENT"
	Line := ``
	Link := `
	Hann"s CSDN Homepage`
	List := bt.LevelNullwith()
	Levels := len(List)
	for i := Levels - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		negative := -1
		TmpXml := ""
		for j := 0; j < Pow2(i); j++ {
			t := Pow2(Levels - i - 1)
			x, y := 50*(2*t*j+t), 120*i+50
			if List[i][j] != nil {
				fillColor := "orange"
				if i == Levels-1 || i > 0 && i < Levels-1 &&
					List[i+1][j*2] == nil && List[i+1][j*2+1] == nil {
					fillColor = "lightgreen"
				TmpStr := ""
				switch List[i][j].(type) {
				case int:
					TmpStr = strconv.Itoa(List[i][j].(int))
				case float64:
					TmpStr = strconv.FormatFloat(List[i][j].(float64), "g", -1, 64)
				case string:
					TmpStr = List[i][j].(string)
					TmpStr = "Error Type"
				Xml = XmlNode(i, j, x, y, TmpStr, fillColor)
			if i > 0 {
				line1 := strings.Replace(Line, "X1", strconv.Itoa(x), 1)
				line1 = strings.Replace(line1, "Y1", strconv.Itoa(y-30), 1)
				negative *= -1
				x0, y0 := 21, 21
				x += 50*negative*(2*t*j%2+t) - negative*x0
				line1 = strings.Replace(line1, "X2", strconv.Itoa(x), 1)
				line1 = strings.Replace(line1, "Y2", strconv.Itoa(y-120+y0), 1)
				Xml = strings.Replace(Xml, "", line1, 1)
			if List[i][j] != nil {
				TmpXml += Xml
		Node = TmpXml + Node
	Xml = strings.Replace(Head, "CONTENT", Node, 1)
	Xml = strings.Replace(Xml, "Width", strconv.Itoa(Pow2(Levels)*50), 1)
	Xml = strings.Replace(Xml, "Height", strconv.Itoa(Levels*120), 1)
	Xml = strings.Replace(Xml, "", Link, 1)
	return Xml
func main() {
	var file *os.File
	var err1 error
	list1 := []interface{}{"-", "*", 6, "+", 3, nil, nil, 2, 8}
	list2 := []interface{}{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, nil, 6, 7, 8}
	tree1 := Build(list1)
	tree2 := Build(list2)
	tree3 := Mirror(tree2)
	texts := []string{tree1.Xml4Tree(), tree2.Xml4Tree(), tree3.Xml4Tree(), Xml4Full(4)}
	for index, text := range texts {
		svgFile := "./biTree0" + strconv.Itoa(index+1) + ".svg"
		file, err1 = os.Create(svgFile)
		if err1 != nil {
		_, err1 = io.WriteString(file, text)
		if err1 != nil {
		exec.Command("cmd", "/c", "start", svgFile).Start()
		//Linux 代码:
		//exec.Command("xdg-open", svgFile).Start()
		//Mac 代码:
		//exec.Command("open", svgFile).Start()
	fmt.Println("Welcome to my homepage: https://blog.csdn.net/boysoft2002")
	exec.Command("cmd", "/c", "start", "https://blog.csdn.net/boysoft2002").Start()



关键词: 的情况下 希望大家 格式转换 相关文章



X 关闭

X 关闭