合并DF连接DFMerge和Join的效率对比在 Pandas 中有很多种方法可以进行dataframe(数据框)的合并。
Pandas 使用 .merge() 方法来执行合并。
import pandas as pd # a dictionary to convert to a dataframe data1 = {"identification": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "Customer_Name":["King", "West", "Adams", "Mercy"], "Category":["furniture", "Office Supplies", "Technology", "R_materials"],} # our second dictionary to convert to a dataframe data2 = {"identification": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "Class":["First_Class", "Second_Class", "Same_day", "Standard Class"], "Age":[60, 30, 40, 50]} # Convert the dictionary into DataFrame df1 = pd.DataFrame(data1) df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2)
运行我们的代码后,有两个 DataFrame,如下所示。
identification Customer_Name Category
0 a King furniture
1 b West Office Supplies
2 c Adams Technology
3 d Mercy R_materials
identification Class Age
0 a First_Class 60
1 b Second_Class 30
2 c Same_day 40
3 d Standard Class 50
使用 merge() 函数进一步合并。
import pandas as pd df1=... df2=... x= pd. merge( df1,df2, left_on = "df1_col1", right_on = "df2_col1" )
# using .merge() function new_data = pd.merge(df1, df2, on="identification")
identification Customer_Name Category Class Age
0 a King furniture First_Class 60
1 b West Office Supplies Second_Class 30
2 c Adams Technology Same_day 40
3 d Mercy R_materials Standard Class 50
.join() 方法也可以将不同索引的 DataFrame 组合成一个新的 DataFrame。我们可以使用参数‘on’参数指定根据哪列进行合并。
import pandas as pd df1 = ... df2 = ... df1.set_index ( "df1_col1", inplace = True) df2.set_index ( "df2_col1", inplace = True) x=df1.join( df2)
让我们看看下面的例子,我们如何将单索引 DataFrame 与多索引 DataFrame 连接起来;
import pandas as pd # a dictionary to convert to a dataframe data1 = { "Customer_Name":["King", "West", "Adams"], "Category":["furniture", "Office Supplies", "Technology"],} 7 # our second dictionary to convert to a dataframe data2 = { "Class":["First_Class", "Second_Class", "Same_day", "Standard Class"], "Age":[60, 30, 40, 50]} # Convert the dictionary into DataFrame Ndata = pd.DataFrame(data1, index=pd.Index(["a", "b", "c"], name="identification")) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([("a", "x0"), ("b", "x1"), ("c", "x2"), ("c", "x3")], names=["identification", "x"]) 19 # Convert the dictionary into DataFrame Ndata2 = pd.DataFrame(data2, index= index) print(Ndata, "\n\n", Ndata2) # joining singly indexed with # multi indexed result = Ndata.join(Ndata2, how="inner")
Customer_Name Category Class Age
identification x 3 a x0 King furniture First_Class 60
b x1 West Office Supplies Second_Class 30
c x2 Adams Technology Same_day 40
x3 Adams Technology Standard Class 50
Pandas 中concat() 方法在可以在垂直方向(axis=0)和水平方向(axis=1)上连接 DataFrame。我们还可以一次连接两个以上的 DataFrame 或 Series。
让我们看一个如何在 Pandas 中执行连接的示例;
import pandas as pd # a dictionary to convert to a dataframe data1 = {"identification": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "Customer_Name":["King", "West", "Adams", "Mercy"], "Category":["furniture", "Office Supplies", "Technology", "R_materials"],} # our second dictionary to convert to a dataframe data2 = {"identification": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "Class":["First_Class", "Second_Class", "Same_day", "Standard Class"], "Age":[60, 30, 40, 50]} # Convert the dictionary into DataFrame df1 = pd.DataFrame(data1) df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2) #perform concatenation here based on horizontal axis new_data = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1) print(new_data)
这样就获得了新的 DataFrame :
identification Customer_Name Category identification \
0 a King furniture a 3 1 b West Office Supplies b 4 2 c Adams Technology c 5 3 d Mercy R_materials d
Class Age
0 First_Class 60
1 Second_Class 30
2 Same_day 40
3 Standard Class 50
Pandas 中的Merge Joins操作都可以针对指定的列进行合并操作(SQL中的join)那么他们的执行效率是否相同呢?下面我们来进行一下测。
两个 DataFrame 都有相同数量的行和两列,实验中考虑了从 100 万行到 1000 万行的不同大小的 DataFrame,并在每次实验中将行数增加了 100 万。我对固定数量的行重复了十次实验,以消除任何随机性。下面是这十次试验中合并操作的平均运行时间。
正如我们从图中看到的,运行时间存在显着差异——最多相差 5 倍。随着 DataFrame 大小的增加,运行时间之间的差异也会增加。两个 JOIN 操作几乎都随着 DataFrame 的大小线性增加。但是,Join的运行时间增加的速度远低于Merge。
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