POST post-v1_1-2021.02,post-v1_1-2021.03,post-v1_1-2021.04/_update_by_query { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "join_field": { "value": "post" } } }, { "term": { "platform": { "value": "toutiao" } } }, { "exists": { "field": "liked_count" } } ] } }, "script":{ "source":"ctx._source.liked_count=0", "lang":"painless" } }
PUT user_tiktok/_doc/_mapping?include_type_name=true { "post_signature":{ "StuClass":{ "type":"keyword" }, "post_token":{ "type":"keyword" } } } PUT user_toutiao/_mapping { "properties": { "user_token": { "type": "text" } } }
from celery import Celery from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch import logging import arrow import pytz from elasticsearch.helpers import scan, streaming_bulk import redis pool_16_8 = redis.ConnectionPool(host="", port=6379, db=8, password="EfcHGSzKqg6cfzWq") rds_16_8 = redis.StrictRedis(connection_pool=pool_16_8) logger = logging.getLogger("elasticsearch") logger.disabled = False logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) es_zoo_connection = Elasticsearch("http://eswriter:e s密码@e sip:4000", dead_timeout=10, retry_on_timeout=True) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ES(object): index = None doc_type = None id_field = "_id" version = "" source_id_field = "" aliase_field = "" separator = "-" aliase_func = None es = None tz = pytz.timezone("Asia/Shanghai") logger = logger @classmethod def mget(cls, ids=None, index=None, **kwargs): index = index or cls.index docs = cls.es.mget(body={"ids": ids}, doc_type=cls.doc_type, index=index, **kwargs) return docs @classmethod def count(cls, query=None, index=None, **kwargs): index = index or cls.index c = cls.es.count(doc_type=cls.doc_type, body=query, index=index, **kwargs) return c.get("count", 0) @classmethod def upsert(cls, doc, doc_id=None, index=None, doc_as_upsert=True, **kwargs): body = { "doc": doc, } if doc_as_upsert: body["doc_as_upsert"] = True id = doc_id or cls.id_name(doc) index = index or cls.index_name(doc) cls.es.update(index, id, cls.doc_type, body, **kwargs) @classmethod def search(cls, index=None, query=None, **kwargs): index = index or cls.index return cls.es.search(index=index, body=query, **kwargs) @classmethod def scan(cls, query, index=None, **kwargs): return scan(cls.es, query=query, index=index or cls.index, **kwargs) @classmethod def index_name(cls, doc): if cls.aliase_field and cls.aliase_field in doc.keys(): aliase_part = doc[cls.aliase_field] if isinstance(aliase_part, str): aliase_part = arrow.get(aliase_part) if isinstance(aliase_part, int): aliase_part = arrow.get(aliase_part).astimezone(cls.tz) if cls.version: index = "{}{}{}{}{}".format(cls.index, cls.separator, cls.version, cls.separator, cls.aliase_func(aliase_part)) else: index = "{}{}{}".format(cls.index, cls.separator, cls.aliase_func(aliase_part)) else: index = cls.index return index @classmethod def id_name(cls, doc): id = doc.get(cls.id_field) and doc.pop(cls.id_field) or doc.get(cls.source_id_field) if not id: print("========", doc) assert id, "doc _id must not be None" return id @classmethod def bulk_upsert(cls, docs, **kwargs): """ 批量操作文章, 仅支持 index 和 update """ op_type = kwargs.get("op_type") or "update" chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size") if op_type == "update": upsert = kwargs.get("upsert", True) if upsert is None: upsert = True else: upsert = False actions = cls._gen_bulk_actions(docs, cls.index_name, cls.doc_type, cls.id_name, op_type, upsert=upsert) result = streaming_bulk(cls.es, actions, chunk_size=chunk_size, raise_on_error=False, raise_on_exception=False, max_retries=5, request_timeout=25) return result @classmethod def _gen_bulk_actions(cls, docs, index_name, doc_type, id_name, op_type, upsert=True, **kwargs): assert not upsert or (upsert and op_type == "update"), "upsert should use "update" as op_type" for doc in docs: # 支持 index_name 作为一个工厂函数 if callable(index_name): index = index_name(doc) else: index = index_name if op_type == "index": _source = doc elif op_type == "update" and not upsert: _source = {"doc": doc} elif op_type == "update" and upsert: _source = {"doc": doc, "doc_as_upsert": True} else: continue if callable(id_name): id = id_name(doc) else: id = id_name # 生成 Bulk 动作 action = { "_op_type": op_type, "_index": index, "_type": doc_type, "_id": id, "_source": _source } yield action class tiktokEsUser(ES): index = "user_tiktok" doc_type = "_doc" id_field = "_id" source_id_field = "user_id" es = es_zoo_connection from kombu import Exchange, Queue, binding def data_es_route_task_spider(name, args, kwargs, options, task=None, **kw): return { "exchange": "tiktok", "exchange_type": "topic", "routing_key": name } class DataEsConfig_download(object): broker_url = "amqp://用户:密码@ip:端口/" task_ignore_result = True task_serializer = "json" accept_content = ["json"] task_default_queue = "default" task_default_exchange = "default" task_default_routing_key = "default" exchange = Exchange("tiktok", type="topic") task_queues = [ Queue( "tiktok.user_avatar.download", [binding(exchange, routing_key="tiktok.user_avatar.download")], queue_arguments={"x-queue-mode": "lazy"} ), Queue( "tiktok.post_avatar.download", [binding(exchange, routing_key="tiktok.post_avatar.download")], queue_arguments={"x-queue-mode": "lazy"} ), Queue( "tiktok.post.spider", [binding(exchange, routing_key="tiktok.post.spider")], queue_arguments={"x-queue-mode": "lazy"} ), Queue( "tiktok.post.save", [binding(exchange, routing_key="tiktok.post.save")], queue_arguments={"x-queue-mode": "lazy"} ), Queue( "tiktok.user.save", [binding(exchange, routing_key="tiktok.user.save")], queue_arguments={"x-queue-mode": "lazy"} ), Queue( "tiktok.post_avatar.invalid", [binding(exchange, routing_key="tiktok.post_avatar.invalid")], queue_arguments={"x-queue-mode": "lazy"} ), Queue( "tiktok.user_avatar.invalid", [binding(exchange, routing_key="tiktok.user_avatar.invalid")], queue_arguments={"x-queue-mode": "lazy"} ), Queue( "tiktok.comment.save", [binding(exchange, routing_key="tiktok.comment.save")], queue_arguments={"x-queue-mode": "lazy"} ), ] task_routes = (data_es_route_task_spider,) enable_utc = True timezone = "Asia/Shanghai" # 下载app tiktok_app = Celery( "tiktok", include=[ "task.tasks", ] ) tiktok_app.config_from_object(DataEsConfig_download) # 发任务生产者,更新舆情user历史信息 def send_post(): query = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "exists": { "field": "post_signature" } }, { "range": { "following_num": { "gte": 1000 } } } ] } }, "_source": ["region", "sec_uid", "post_signature"] } # query = { # "query": { # "bool": { # "must": [ # {"exists": { # "field": "post_signature" # }}, # { # "match": { # "region": "MY" # } # } # ] # } # }, # "_source": ["region", "sec_uid", "post_signature"] # } r = tiktokEsUser.scan(query=query, scroll="30m", request_timeout=100) for item in map(lambda x: x["_source"], r): tiktok_app.send_task("tiktok.post.spider", args=(item,)) def send_sign_token(): query = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "exists": { "field": "post_signature" } }, { "range": { "following_num": { "gte": 1000 } } }, { "range": { "create_time": { "gte": "2021-01-06T00:00:00", "lte": "2021-01-06T01:00:00" } } } ] } }, "_source": ["user_id", "sec_uid"] } r = tiktokEsUser.scan(query=query, scroll="30m", request_timeout=100) for item in map(lambda x: x["_source"], r): tiktok_app.send_task("tiktok.user.sign_token", args=(item,)) if __name__ == "__main__": send_post() # send_sign_token()
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